Virtual Bauer Wurster
I was part of the founding team for Virtual Bauer Wurster from September 2020 to its launch in January 2021. During the COVID 19 pandemic the new precedence for remote learning spurred the need for innovative educational platforms to supplement the traditional classroom experience. Virtual Bauer Wurster is a new platform for collaboration modeled around Bauer Wurster Hall in UC Berkeley. VBW provides students with a virtual architecture studio where they can upload models and tour them with friends. Students can also upload photos, present, and engage in studio reviews like they would during in-person instruction.
VBW was started by CED Professor of Architecture Luisa Caldas who graciously advised me as part of my Supervised Independent Study and Research class, Arch 199. I primarily contributed to the networking infrastructure for multiplayer, voice chat, and text chat as well as character animations, user authentication, profile images, and menu flows. also wrote a more detailed article about this launch.
Downloads available on the official Virtual Bauer Wurster website.